Portable Ladder For Window Cleaning

Window Cleaners in London Practice Safety Precautions with Portable Ladders

Professional window cleaners in London use portable ladders for cleaning windows of the first floor and above for both residential and commercial set-ups. It is a common practice to use ladders for window cleaning since ages. Now, the question arises is ladders safe to use for cleaning all kinds of windows. The answer is NO. The ladders are not ideal choices for cleaning every kind and height of windows.  They are used for cleaning the short-heighted windows installed at lower levels. Before moving further, let’s take a look at some of the most common hazards a person or professional may encounter during the window cleaning task. The only difference is the chances of accidents with professional cleaners are less due to extensive training.

Risks associated with Ladders

  • The possibility of fall from a ladder while stepping off and on the lower rungs.
  • Falls due to failure of ladder
  • Falls due to positioning of ladder at unstable conditions including high winds, ice, uneven ground, slippery surfaces, sloping ground to name a few
  • Falls due to adverse weather conditions like rain
  • Injury caused to others due to unpredictable fall of tools from ladders
  • Fall due to electric shock caused due to overhead electrical hazard

In a nutshell, it can be said that the majority of the cases arises due to error by the operative;  a handful of cases are there due to faults in ladders. This clearly indicates that the window cleaning company in London give a rigorous training to their employees to minimize the accidents caused due to usage of a ladder and keep on thinking for a better alternative.

Methods for Avoiding Risk of Falling

  • The simplest way to avoid the risk is to clean windows internally. Cleaning windows from inside subside the chances of a fall or injury largely.
  • In some cases, window cleaners can use long pole systems for avoiding the fall risk. This eliminates the risk of falling from a ladder but poses a serious threat especially if a person comes in the close contact with power lines as pole and electric wires usually installed at the same height.
  • Using elevating work platform, wherever possible

Customers need to understand this basic fact that hiring a professional window cleaner in London does not imply that he is under compulsion to clean all kinds and high-rise windows. The professional cleaners weigh two factors, the height, and duration and extent of the work before taking up any assignment. The companies choose the safest method and the best equipment for cleaning windows. If they feel the location of any window is too risky to reach, they leave it unclean. The companies never give instructions to their professionals to put their life on the risk while performing their services.

Since age-old days, the usage of ladder is unavoidable. One of the most effective ways to prevent the cases of falls or injury is to ensure only a working ladder to be used. The other ways are:

  • Use only stable ladder so it does not move.
  • It must be defect-free. Some of the possible defects are bent, cracked, missing feet, missing brackets or rods, corrosion of fittings, etc.
  • A pre-checking is necessary before carrying them at the work site.
  • The professional window cleaning company in London should formulate policies to handle defects and repair on an immediate basis.
  • The company should handover the window cleaning task to those professionals, who fully understand the possible hazards associated with ladders, are fully trained to detect such defects in ladders and are able to take remedial measures as earliest as possible.

The other way is taking necessary precautions while performing the window cleaning tasks. These precautions, which a professional window cleaner needs to follow are:

  1. Never take a defective ladder with them at the work site
  2. Do not overreach it
  3. Ask someone to hold it or use safety accessory like a rubber stopper
  4. Do not take a support on the nearby building and try to pull it in an opposite direction
  5. Do not place ladders on slippery and uneven surfaces
  6. Never place a ladder on a gutter
  7. Do not lean them on windowsills
  8. Place the ladder at a right angle so that you can clean the windows in the most comfortable manner.

Many professional window cleaners in London are following these safety practices and their record of accomplishment is highly satisfactory. So, look for such companies for window cleaning tasks.

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